Session I |
Introductory |
09:15 |
Opening Address |
T. Kishimoto (Osaka) |
09:20 |
What Can Double Beta Decay Experiments Do? (abstract/talk) |
H. Minakata (TMU) |
10:05 |
The Double-Beta Decay Experimental Program (abstract/talk) |
S. Elliott (LANL) |
The recent demonstrations of oscillations in the atmospheric and solar
neutrino data convincingly indicate that neutrinos do have mass. Those
data however, do not tell us the absolute mass scale but only the differences
of the square of the neutrino masses. Even so, we now know that at least
one neutrino has a mass of about 50 meV or larger.
Studies of double beta decay rates offer hope for determining the absolute
mass scale. In particular, zero-neutrino double beta decay can address
the issues of lepton number conservation, the particle-antiparticle nature
of the neutrino, and its mass. In fact, upcoming generations of double-beta
decay experiments will be sensitive to neutrino masses in the exciting
range of below 50 meV. An overviewof double-beta decay and its relation
to neutrino mass will be discussed followed by a profile of a overall double-beta
decay program. In this presentation, I will summarize the physics goals
for double-beta decay experiments and the experimental issues that require
attention to ensure that the proposed experiments reach these goals.
10:50 |
-- coffee break -- |
Double Beta Decay I |
11:05 |
Status of the Majorana Neutrinoless Double-beta Decay Experiment (abstract/talk) |
R. Henning
(North Carolina) |
Germanium detectors enriched in Ge76 are one of the most promising techniques
to search for neutrinoless double-beta decay. This talk will review this
technique and provide an update of the Majorana experiment that proposes
to field 30-60 kg. of enriched detectors in a prototype module. This module
will be an intermdiate phase towards the realization of a tonne-scale enriched
germanium experiment.
11:35 |
Study of 48Ca double beta decay by CANDLES (abstract/talk) |
T. Kishimoto (Osaka) |
We would like to present current status of our CANDLES detector system
for the study of 48Ca double beta decay.
12:05 |
CUORECINO/CUORE (abstract/talk) |
F. Ferroni (INFN) |
12:35 |
-- Lunch -- |
Session II |
Double Beta Decay II |
14:00 |
The GERDA Experiment - Searchnig for the neutrinoless double beta decay
in 76Ge (abstract/talk) |
P. Grabmayer
(U. Tuebingen) |
The neutrinoless double beta decay (0nu2beta) searches are one of the modern
key experiments as they constitute a test of the standard model. This process
is similar to the normal 2nu2beta decay, however without emission of neutrinos
thus violating the lepton number by Delta L = 2. Consequently, this process
leads beyond the standard model as it requires non-zero neutrino masses
of Majorana type and violates the conservation of lepton numbers. From
theexistence of the 0nu2beta decay and much more from the details of the
process we will get answers e.g. about the hierarchy, but also beyond neutrino
physics open problems e.g. in cosmology will be solved.
Only a few nuclei are suitable for the investigation of the 0nu2beta process.
76Ge is outstanding as two experiments, the Heidelberg-Moscow and the Igex,
have reported lower limits of the half-time of about T_{1/2} >!23$ 1,6
10^{25} y which corresponds to effective Majorana masses of (0.33--1.35) eV. The results remain controversial as part of the HdM group
has claimed a lower central value of 0.44~eV obtained from the same data
set. Sofar, the results for other isotopes (Couricino or Nemo) could neither
confirm the claim of observing a 0nu2beta decay, nor exclude it.
A new 76Ge experiment is needed to establish unequivocally the signal with
an improved sensitivity at lower background rates, or refute it with high
significance. The experimental signature for the 0nu2beta process is the
observation of a peak at the value of Q_{betabeta} in the electron spectrum.
Ge-diodes enriched to 86% in 76Ge serve as source and as detectors. The
GERDA Collaboration at present prepares a new setup at LNGS, where the
bare diodes will be operated in a big tank of liquid argon which itself
sit in a large water tank. This reduction of high-Z material and active
vetos reduce the remaining muon-induced background!23$ a careful selection
of materials after radioassessment will improve the background level further.
Finally, a background level of is envisaged.
In Phase I about 18 kg of enriched detectors available from the HdM and
Igex experiments will be used. In phase II, new detectors with segmented
electrodes will be added doubling the target mass. After an exposure of
100 kgy we expect a sensitivity of T_{1/2}>!23$ 1,4 10^{26}$ y at 90
% confidence level. A later phase will employ additional segmented diodes
which intrinsically improve the rejection of background. Depending on the
results, a phase III with about 500 kg target mass is conceived probing
the few 10 meV mass range.
The status of the experiment and the ongoing tests will be presented.
14:30 |
MOON (abstract/talk) |
M. Nomachi (Osaka) |
15:00 |
The Enriched Xenon Observatory for Double Beta Decay (abstract/talk) |
F. Leport (Stanford) |
The Enriched Xenon Observatory (EXO) is an experiment aimed at measuring
the half life for neutrinoless double beta decay (0vBB) of 136Xe. A xenon-filled
time projection chamber (TPC) supplemented with scintillation light readout
detects ionizing particle interactions within its volume. Candidate 0vBB
events will be distinguished from virtually all radioactive background
by positively identifying the 136Ba daughter for each event via optical
spectroscopy. The EXO collaboration is pursuing a phased approach toward
a ton-scale detector. A smaller detector, EXO-200, using 200 kg of enriched
Xe (80% 136Xe) with no 136Ba identification is currently in advanced stages
of commissioning at Stanford University. Its deployment underground at
the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in New Mexico is planned to begin
in the summer of 2007. In parallel, various strategies for 136Ba tagging
are being developed in the laboratory. I will present the EXO experiment
in the context of 0vBB searches, and describe the EXO-200 detector in detail,
discussing its physics goals, experimental challenges, and schedule. I
will also illustrate some of the most promising approaches for efficient
tagging of single 136Ba ions produced in a ton-scale Xe detector, show
milestone results achieved in laboratory setups, and discuss the EXO timeline
for the near future.
15:30 |
XMASS experiment for double beta decay (abstract/talk) |
K. Ueshima (Tokyo) |
XMASS is a multi-purpose experiment using liquid xenon which aims at the
detection of cold dark matter, search for neutrinoless double beta decay,
and detetion of low energy solar neutrinos. R&D efforts for the double
beta decay experiment of XMASS is presented. Because of the high scintillation
light yield of the liquid xenon, it is possible to achieve good energy
resolution for discriminating 2nu2beta and 0nu2beta of 136Xe if we can
collect scintillation light with high collection efficiency. However, because
of the high radioactive contamination of photomultiplier tubes (PMTs),
we cannot put the PMTs very close to the liquid scinitillator. In order
to achieve high light collection efficiency but keeping PMTs away from
the liquid xenon, we have designed a detector using an ELliptic water Tank(ELT).
The inner surface of the ELT is made of mirror and liquid xenon enclosed
in a vessel with high pressure (since it is room temperature) is placed
at one focus of the ELT. The scinillation light emitted in the liquid xenon
is wavelength shifted at the inner surface of the vessel and transmitted
to another focus through water filled in ELT. The PMTs are placed at the
focus and it enable us to collect photons with high efficiency with small
number of PMTs. The water between focuses reduces gamma ray background
from the PMTs. R&D stauts of (1) scintillation light yeild under high
pressure, room tmperature liquid xenon, (2) development of a wavelength
shifter, and (3) study on the light collection of ELT, are reported.
16:00 |
-- coffee break -- |
Neutrino Experiments & Dark Matter search |
16:15 |
The KATRIN experiment - a direct neutrino mass measurement with sub-eV
sensitivity (abstract/talk) |
VM Hannen (Muenster) |
The KArlsruhe TRItium Neutrino experiment aims to determine the mass of
the electron antineutrino in a model-independent way from the kinematics
of tritium beta-decay. It combines a gaseous windowless tritium source
with a column density of 5 x 10^17 molecules/cm^2 with a high resolution
electrostatic retarding spectrometer (MAC-E filter) to measure the spectral
shape of the beta electron energy spectrum close to the endpoint at 18.6
keV with unprecedented precision.
KATRIN's sensitivity to the neutrino mass will be 0.2 eV/c^2 after 3 years
of full data taking. In case no neutrino mass signal is observed this number
corresponds to an upper limit with 90% confidence level!23$ the signature
ofa neutrino mass of 0.35 eV could be determined with 5 sigma significance.
To reach this sensitivity, a stringent suppression of all sources of background
and a careful monitoring of the long term stability of the instrument are
two of the most important issues. One of the major sources of background
are electrons produced by cosmic muons and intrinsic radioactivity in the
spectrometer material. To prevent these electrons from entering the inner
part of the spectrometer a double layer wire electrode on negative potential
will be mounted inside the spectrometer vessel. For monitoring of the retardation
potential with ppm accuracy a special high voltage divider has been developed
in close collaboration with the german metrological institute (PTB Braunschweig).
An additional smaller spectrometer will be driven by the same high voltage
as the main spectrometer and will provide a natural standard by monitoring
the K-32 conversion line of a 83mKr source.
The KATRIN experiment is presently being set up at the Forschungszentrum
Karlsruhe (FZK) by an international collaboration, making use of the capabilities
of the existing tritium laboratory. The main spectrometer vessel has successfully
passed first vacuum tests at the manufacturer and has been transported
to FZK in autumn 2006.
The actual status of the construction and of test measurements will be
The work of the author is supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education
and Research (BMBF).
16:45 |
MINOS (abstract/talk) |
C. Andreopoulos (Rutherford) |
17:15 |
First Results from the XENON10 Dark Matter Experiment at the Gran Sasso
Laboratory (abstract/talk) |
M. Yamashita (Columbia) |
We report the first results from a search for Weakly Interacting Massive
Particles (WIMPs) with the XENON10 experiment operating underground at
the Gran Sasso Laboratory. XENON10 is the first dual phase (liquid/gas)
xenon time projection chamber (XeTPC) module realized within the XENON
program. The 3D-postion sensitive detector has an active mass of 15 kg
of liquid xenon, viewed by two arrays of compact photomultipliers, which
measure simultaneously the scintillation and the ionization, via proportional
scintillation in the gas. Background rejection on an event-by-event basis
is achieved through this measurement and 3D event localization. In-situ
gamma and neutron calibrations have been carried out to define event selection
and energy threshold for nuclear recoil candidates. A ' blind ' analysis
of ~60 live-days of Dark Matter Search science data has been performed.
Results of this analysis will be presented. Plans to improve the experiment
sensitivity within 2007 as well as plans to initiate the next phase of
the XENON program with a 100kg scale TPC will also be addressed.
17:45 |
NEWAGE - A direction-sensitive dark matter search (abstract/talk) |
K. Miuchi (Kyoto) |
We plan a direction-sensitive dark matter search experiment with a gaseous
time projection chamber. We developed a prototype TPC with a volume of
30*30*30cm^3. We are reporting the performance of the TPC and reluts of
a direction-sensitive dark matter search experiment in a surface laboratory.
18:10 |
Dark Matter Search Project by PICO-LON (abstract/talk) |
K. Fushimi (Tokushima) |
The PICO-LON (Planar Inorganic Crystals for LOw-background Neutr(al)ino)
consists of many layers of NaI(Tl) scintillator. The sensitivity of PICO-LON
for dark matter and the recent progress of underground experiment at OTO
Cosmo Observatory is presented.
18:35 |
-- end -- |
Session III |
Cosmology & Neutrino |
09:00 |
Neutrinos and Cosmology (abstract/talk) |
N. Sugiyama (Nagoya) |
09:45 |
Implications of absolute neutrino mass on cosmological parameter estimation
(abstract/talk) |
K. Ichikawa (Tokyo) |
We first briefly discuss how absolute neutrino mass of about 1 eV affects
cosmological observables such as CMB power spectrum and show that a subelectronvolt
upper limit can be obtained from the current observations such as WMAP.
Then we discuss how cosmological parameter estimation, especially for the
hubble parameter, is affected by non-zero neutrino mass.
10:10 |
The IceCube neutrino telescope (abstract/talk) |
K. Mase (Chiba) |
The IceCube telescope is aimed to detect very high energy neutrinos from
cosmological sources such as AGNs and GRBs. The telescope is being deployed
in the Antarctica glacier. It detects Cherenkov lights from particles that
are induced by a neutrino. Approximately one third of the detectors (22
strings) have been installed, and they areoperational. The status of the
IceCube telescope and the astrophysical application will be presented.
10:40 |
-- coffee break -- |
Solar Neutrino |
11:00 |
BOREXINO (abstract/talk) |
C. Grieb (Virginia) |
The Borexino detector will spectroscopically measure the Be-7 neutrinos
from the Sun for the first time. This energy region provides a sensitive
probe for new physics, and also a chance to explore the transition region
between vacuum and matter oscillations predicted in the MSW mechanism.
The detector is now complete, and data collection has begun. To confirm
the solar origin of any observed Be-7 neutrinos via the annual variation
due to orbital eccentricity, or to obtain an absolute flux, stable and
absolute calibration of the detector's fiducial volume is essential. While
the former can be obtained continuously via normalization to the C-14 spectra
or other known features, the latter requires an internal source with absolute
position accuracy of about 2 cm.
This talk will describe the physics goals, the state of the detector hardware,
and the approach being taken to calibrate the detector with the required
accuracy. Techniques used to confirm absolute source position capabilities
(typically one of the largest systematic errors in an absolute measurement)
will be described.
11:30 |
Present Status and Future Prospects of KamLAND (abstract/talk) |
I. Shimizu (Tohoku) |
The KamLAND experiment gives precise measurement of neutrino oscillation
parameters using reactor anti-neutrinos. Due to their clear spectral distortion,
the neutrino mass difference determined with about 5% precision. In order
to get a better sensitivity, we are now planning to reduce systematic uncertainties
using full volume calibration. That will be helpful also for the geo anti-neutrino
measurement in lower energy region. In addition, I will also discuss a
possibility of double beta decay experiment using the KamLAND detector
in future.
12:00 |
Neutrino Spectroscopy with LENS (abstract/talk) |
C. Grieb (Virginia) |
A complete spectral measurement of the solar neutrino flux with LENS will
allow to test current standard and non standard neutrino flavor conversion
models along with the solar model in one experiment. Probing the temperature
profile of nuclear fusion in the sun and a search for active - sterile
neutrino oscillations add to the multi-faceted physics program envisioned.
This talk will describe the science and technology of LENS, and the steps
being taken to create mini-LENS, a full-fledged prototype of the LENS detector.
12:30 |
-- Lunch -- |
Session IV |
Double Beta Decay III |
14:00 |
Why Neutrinos? (abstract/talk) |
H. Murayama (LBL) |
I review why neutrinos have been an exciting topic in physics, astrophysics
and cosmology, and how we may pursue it further.
14:45 |
NEMO3/Super-NEMO (abstract/talk) |
H. Ohsumi (Saga) |
15:15 |
The COBRA double beta decay experiment (abstract/talk) |
B. Fulton (York) |
The idea of the COBRA project is the search for neutrion-less double beta
decay with the help of CdZnTe semiconductor detectors [1]. In its final
stage the experiment aims to run 420 kg of CdZnTe detectors enriched in
the isotope 116Cd, resulting in a neutrino mass sensitivity of around 50
CdZnTe detectors contain several double beta emitters including those decaying
via positron emission or electron capture. Four 1 cm**3 CZT detectors were
operated in the Gran Sasso Underground Facility (LNGS) from 2004-2006.
First half life limits were obtained including new world best limits for
0vECEC ground state transitions of 64Zn and 120Te [2]. An additional measurement
of the 4-fold forbidden non-unique beta decay of 113Cd has been performed
and resulted in a half-life of 8.20 x 10**15 yrs [3].
Since Spring 2006 an upgrade to 64 detectors, corresponding to a mass of
about 0.42 kg, is being installed, with the first 16 running at LNGS. Independent
of the low background studies performed at LNGS, the option of using pixelated
CZT detectors is being explored. The tracking capabilities of such a device
offers a massive background reduction due to particle identification. First
simulations suggest an improvement by three orders of magnitude [4]. Furthermore,
a sophisticated shielding has been designed for a large scale experiment,
able to reduce neutron and gamma backgrounds to an acceptable level [5].
[1] K.Zuber, Phys.Lett.B 519 (2001)
[2] T.Bloxham et al., subm. to Phys.Rev.C
[3] C.Goesling et al., Phys.Rev.C 72 (2005) 064328
[4] T.Bloxham and M.Freer, acc. by Nucl.Inst.Meth. A, 2007
[5] D.Stewart et al., acc. by Nucl.Inst.Meth. A,2007
15:45 |
-- coffee break -- |
Double Beta Decay IV & Experimental Technique |
16:00 |
Present status of DCBA experiment (abstract/talk) |
N. Ishihara (KEK) |
DCBA (Drift Chamber Beta-ray Analyzer) has been developed at KEK in order
to search for neutrinoless double beta decay. It consists of drift chambers,
a solenoid magnet and cosmic ray veto-counters. A prototype called DCBA-T2
has been constructed and operated. A new test apparatus called DCBA-T3
has been designed to improve energy resolution and now under construction.
Test results of DCBA-T2 and the design parameters of DCBA-T3 will be presented.
16:30 |
SNO+ Double Beta Decay with 150Nd (abstract/talk) |
M. Chen (Queen's) |
This talk will describe the developments of a Nd-loaded liquid scintillator
for the SNO detector. The properties of the Nd liquid scintillator, and
the sensitivity of this experiment will be presented.
17:00 |
Comments on150Nd enrichment (abstract/talk) |
H. Ohsumi (Saga) |
17:10 |
Enrichment of 48Ca (abstract/talk) |
R. Hazama (Hiroshima) |
17:30 |
Purification of scintillating crystal (abstract/talk) |
S. Umehara (Osaka) |
18:00 |
-- end -- |
18:20 |
Banquet |
Session V |
Accelerator Neutrino Experiments |
09:00 |
MiniBooNE Results (abstract/talk) |
M. Tzanov (Colorado) |
First results of a $\nu_{\mu} \to \nu_{e}$ oscillation search in MiniBooNE
(Booster Neutrino Experiment) experiment will be reported. If an appearance
signal is observed, it will imply Physics Beyond the Standard Model such
as the existence of light sterile neutrino.
09:30 |
OPERA experiment (abstract/talk) |
O. Sato (Nagoya) |
Current status on OPERA experiments will be presented.
Electric detector installation have been finished, and performnace have
been confirmed by cosmic rays and by neutrino exposure. Several performance
test for event location in ECC target was done by 2006 short period
neutrino beam exposure. Now active neutrino target,ECC bricks are installing
toward for starting real RUN in this autumn exposure.
Status on preparartions and some test results will be reported.
10:00 |
Status of the T2K experiment (abstract/talk) |
K. Sakashita (KEK) |
T2K (Tokai-to-Kamioka) experiment is a next generation long baseline neutrino
oscillation experiment in Japan. An intense narrow-band beam of muon-neutrino
is produced by using 50 GeV proton synchrotron in J-PARC (Japan Proton
Accelerator Research Complex), and is directed to the Super-Kamiokande
detector located at 295 km from J-PARC.
The main physics goals of the T2K experiment are to discover a finite $・theta_{13}$
by observing $・nu_e$ appearance ($・nu_{・mu} ・to ・nu_e$ oscillation), and
to precisely measure oscillation parameters in $・numu$ disappearance.
One of the most significant merits of the T2K experiment is the intense
narrow-band neutrino beam produced by employing 'off-axis' method. This
method will enhance the experiment sensitivity by allowing tuning of the
beam energy to match with neutrino oscillation maximum. In order to maximize
the sensitivity to $・Delta m_{23}^2 = (2 ・sim 3 ) ・times 10^{-3}$ eV$^2$,
we adjust neutrino energy to be between 0.5 GeV and 0.7 GeV by setting
the off-axis angle to be between $2^・circ$ and $2.5^・circ$.
The neutrino beamline is now under construction at J-PARC. Commissioning
of the beam will start in the spring of 2009. In this presentation, we
will report the status of, and prospects for the T2K experiment.
10:30 |
-- coffee break -- |
Reactor Neutrino Experiments |
10:45 |
DoubleChooz - A reactor theta-13 experiment (abstract/talk) |
F. Suekane (Tohoku) |
Double Chooz is a next generation reactor theta-13 experiment being constracted
in France. The experiment starts data taking in 2008, which is the quickest
to explore the theta-13 below current Chooz limit. The sensitivity is sin22thata_13
~ 0.025.
The speaker talks about the constrcution status of theDouble Chooz experiment
as well as its general descriptions.
11:15 |
DayaBay (abstract/talk) |
JC Peng (Illinois) |
11:45 |
RENO -- Reactor Neutrino Experiment at Yonggwang (abstract/talk) |
H. Kim (Seoul National U) |
RENO is a reactor neutrino experiment in Korea to measure theta_13 with
a goal of starting taking data in 2010. We will present the general description
and current status of the experiment.
Session VI |
Underground Laboratory & Discussion |
12:15 |
DUSEL (abstract/talk) |
KT Lesko (LBNL) |
12:45 |
Status of SNOLAB (abstract/talk) |
M. Chen (Queen's) |
13:10 |
Other Underground Laboratories & Discussion (abstract/talk) |
T. Kishimoto (Osaka) |
15:25 |
Closing Remarks |
KT Lesko (LBNL) |